Wow. So, this just happened.
Heard HaBayit HaYehudi front runner Naftali Bennett got snotty on his Facebook page today, so I went to check it out. Typed out his name and –
Oh, hello, Bibi Netanyahu. You crashed yet another party. Living your meme, much?
Or are you a lil afraid you will one day soon* no longer be the life of the parties?
*after another term with Avigdor and Shas, of course, thankyouverymuchfellowIsraelivoters.
Disclaimer: I’m not voting for either guy. But here’s a fun way to choose your fav.
Disclaimer #2: I swear I didn’t see that tiny gray text under the drop down in the screenshot until just now (but answer the question, Naftali).
Chuck Norris endorses Bibi – for real, yo. You’re screwed now, Bennett.
(h/t @mordecaiholtz)